April Stevens
April Stevens - Teach Me Tiger
In 1959, Nino and April penned a tune slightly reminiscent in theme of (and tagged with an even better punchline than) her early recording "Don't Do It", this one entitled "Teach Me Tiger." This time, however, the singer was a willing young siren, who belies her innocent plea to be 'taught', by sensually coaxing a strangely oblivious young man. Again banned in many markets, "Teach Me Tiger" nevertheless made Billboard's Hot 100 and capped at #86.

But "Teach Me Tiger" has had many lives in the last 25 years. Re-recorded twice in 1965, the new version became a camp classic in many U.S. and foreign cities. On April 6, 1983, the astronauts aboard space shuttle Challenger requested the song as a wake-up call. NASA obliged the crew, and April was again in the news. NinoandApril.com)

This comes off a compilation; I'd like to know if it's the 1959 original or the re-recorded version, if anyone can help me out. 

Comments (7)

  • Roar  
    Goodness! I'm afraid this song does things to man.
    • Christine  
      Hehe, looks like the downloads increased right after your comment...
      • Roar  
        Did you download the very first post at Whoops (http://oopswhoops.blogspot.com/2006_01_01_oopswhoops_archive.html)? It's a beautiful single - and I particularly fall prey for the b side. For a more hardcore approach even, there are the songs "Kiss" and "La prima volte" on the "Erotheque" share at Fidelisharium, if you're interested.
        Both shares are musically very different from yours, but have something else (very much) in common. Perhaps you'll get a tummy ache as well.
        • Christine  
          No, I haven't looked at that blog before. Thanks for the links. Although I am in rehab from music overload, and you're leading me astray...
  • modcentric  
    i love april stevens! =) totally adore her. sorry i can't help you with regards to the question.
  • bruno  
    Wowie,time to turn off the heating!
  • Alma  
    I ran into your post while trying to figure out which version of "Teach Me Tiger" I have, so just in case you're still wondering, they're both on YouTube:
    1959 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWpA5iY2V1I)
    1965 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwlWobbia6k)

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