All posts written by me (Christine), unless otherwise noted. Please do not republish any written content without express permission.
- Design by Spiked Candy. Please do not reuse any site elements, including the site logo, loading gif, or maintenance page, without express permission.
- Template base: Clean Blog
- Fonts: Stereo | Snap ITC | Other fonts by Google Fonts.
- Icons: Font awesome | Icons8 | Flag icons by Iconscout.
Site components
- Blog engine: Serendipity
- Scripts: The following scripts are all free/open source, and I'd recommend them to other bloggers and site owners.
- MediaElement – I use this to embed videos and some audio. Excellent compatibility across devices and browsers, and you can embed uploaded videos, Youtube videos, etc.
- Fancybox – Elegant photo lightbox/gallery plugin, see it in use e.g. here.
- Jquery Modal – Used for the various pop-modals on the site. Very simple to use.
- Slick – A carousel plugin, used as the slider at the bottom of Listening Booth posts, e.g. here.
- ScrollToFixed – For fixing a page element while scrolling, as used in the header bar on the blog.
- Dotdotdot – Used to truncate multiple lines of text (normally only possible on a single line).
- Mailing list: Dada Mail
- RSS button: SubToMe
- Displayed RSS Feeds (Recent Posts and Twitter in the sidebar, Blogroll): Jquery RSS, Tiny Tiny RSS, Selfoss, RSS Hub
- Design by Spiked Candy
- Template base: Artistic
- Font in header: Cheri by Fontalicious
- Post-it note graphic in header, pin graphics: Fuzzimo
- Icons: Icons8, iconmonstr
Site components
- Blog engine: Serendipity
- Media Players: Kuzenko HTML5 Player, Dewplayer, VideoJS, MediaElement
- Plugins: Slicknav, Colorbox, Live Preview, Qtip, Dotdotdot
- Streaming Services: JustHearIt, Spotify, Youtube, 8tracks
- Music searches powered by Google Custom Search Engine
- Contact form: Jotform